Fishing Trip to the Wild Island of Antikythera with The Cretan Locals

Do you ever wonder how local Cretans spend their daily lives ? Well, you will exactly understand how by reading this very exciting experience in this blog post.
The locals in Crete grew up by the sea , so, their occupations, activities and hobbies are generally related to it. They love boating, sailing and diving, but what they enjoy most of all is going on fishing and spearfishing trips. Their interest in discovering new places and fishing spots to explore the deep blue sea of Crete is inspiring. Fishing is not only one of the main occupations in Crete it’s also a fun experience and a hobby .
We, at SEAzeTheDay, are happy to share some information regarding how we organise our private fishing experiences and exotic adventures in Crete and the surrounding islands.
How to book a fishing or a spearfishing charter
Book directly from our website, or contact us to get a quote for your desired fishing trip, providing us with the following information:
•Number of people
•Your age
•The fishing experience you may have
•Desired fishing techniques you want to explore
•The booking dates
•Any special requests
All this, will help us organise your private fishing experience.
How do we check the weather conditions before going on a fishing or spearfishing experience?
In order to enjoy an exceptional fishing experience on our RIB boat, we will first have to check on weather conditions . For an accurate weather forecast, we check at least two or more popular websites such as windy, poseidon or meteo.
After we pick the perfect day for your trip, we choose the best fishing spots to visit, and the most efficient fishing techniques depending on weather conditions in that specific area.
These are the secrets of the profession, so keep them to yourself😉
Preorganizing is the key for a successful catch
When we ensure the weather is on our side the preferred date of the fishing trip, we, the crew of SEAze The Day, will start organizing all the necessary equipment and supplies for our trip. After we choose which destination and route we will follow, and depending on the fuel consumption of our RIB boat, we will estimate the miles and fill the tanks with at least double the fuel needed . This is a very important safety parameter that we always keep in mind! After that, we supply the boat with ice in order to keep the fish fresh when we catch it. Water, drinks and snacks will also be available . Finally, and most importantly we board our fishing equipment, rods, baits, masks, fins, spearguns e.t.c. and safely store them inside the boat.
When and Where Does the Adventure Start?
The adventure starts the first break of dawn at 6.00am like being in the army . Fishing is definitely not a breeze. You will need to have patience, willingness and time for a rewarding day. But this trip is not only about fishing it’s more about the whole journey!
We usually meet at the Old Port of Chania here but that also depends on weather conditions and destination picked. (we also use other ports and marinas) There, you will find our RIB boat with our experienced captain and fishermen waiting for you. All our RIB boats are fully equipped and have all the necessities for a perfect fishing/spearfishing trip. GPS, Sonar, fishing rod spaces, ice boxes etc.
Our friendly crew will help you board and get you ready for this long distance adventurous fishing charter.
Embarking from Chania on an amazing fishing experience with one of our guests
Last year we had an amazing fishing experience with Freddy, our guest on board and we are really eager to narrate due to the amazing time we all had! . Our guest booked a full day fishing – spearfishing charter from Chania to Antikythera Island.,
After meeting our guest at the port of Chania at around 6 am, we set sail on our RIB boat Rovinsonas towards Antikythera Island. Rovinsonas RIB boat has been widely used for fishing over the last years and has everything needed for a perfect fishing / spearfishing trip. For your information, this boat has been fully renovated in 2021 and equipped with GPS, Sonar, Fish Finder, ice box and fishing rod holders.
During our boat trip we had the chance to pass by Thodorou Island and Cape Spatha before we finally went offshore.
Passing by Cape Spatha
It took us around 1.5h to reach the island of Antikythera from Chania with an average speed of 25 knots while the weather was really good! By the time we reached the first fishing spot between Kythera and Antikythera we became friends with Freddy. He felt very comfortable with us.
When we reached the desired spot, Panos and Yiannis wore their wetsuits and dove to spearfish. ( Safety Tip: While spearfishing and for safety purposes always dive with a buddy ). Meanwhile, Minos and Freddy stayed on the boat to practice fishing with the rod.
After a while, Panos and Yiannis managed to catch two dusky groupers (Epinephelus marginatus). Freddy was amazed by their catch and interested in discussing the techniques Panos and Yiannis used to catch the fish.
Freddy and Minos did not get very lucky catching fish using the rod but did not get disappointed! They knew there was much more to come from this amazing experience at sea.
Fish me baby One More Time
Afterwards, due to the great weather conditions, we reached the island of Antikythera. There, Freddy decided to wear his wet-suit and dive along with Yiannis, who is an expert on spearfishing. Yiannis showed Freddy how to dive and find the fish and taught him several spearfishing techniques on how to catch the fish. After a while of fishing, Freddy came out of the water reward . He was holding several fish on his fish stringer.. We were so proud of him!!
Awesome days, guys! Awesome days!!
Salty Vibrations in Antikythera
After fishing and relaxing for a while on the sun deck of our boat, we surprised Freddy with a different adventure. We took him to the rocky shores of the island to collect some sea salt the way our fathers taught us when we were young. Sea salt can be collected from rocky shoreline pools, where it occurs as a result of a natural solar evaporation.
Both Freddy and Yiannis climbed up the rocks to gather the sea salt from the natural made pools. Freddy was so excited to learn how to gather the salt he filled a bag of this amazingly tasty sea salt to take as a souvenir.
We later visited a beach close to Potamos,( Port of Antikythera ) to rest. We took several breathtaking photos in a cave with pebbles where we talked about our daily lives, our friends, the history of this amazing island and of course about our past fishing and spearfishing adventures.
Food is Sacred, Never Miss a Meal
Afterwards, we docked the boat in the small port and we walked towards the traditional coffee shop of Myronas. In fact this shop is also a mini market, a restaurant and post-office, all in one! The restaurant’s specialty is goat stew with handmade fries. Freddy couldn’t believe his eyes, with the amount of food served. His taste buds were amazed by the pure taste of this free range meat and fresh vegetables Myronas restaurant served us. An ultimate taste of a traditional home made meal Freddy will always remember .
Chilling in Style on a RIB Boat
After digesting and after taking some group photos, we started the journey back to Crete. Due to different weather conditions and for safety purposes we decided to moor our RIB boat at Kissamos port. Kissamos Port in Kasteli is also a location where SEAze The Day offers boats for rent. By taking this direction we had the chance to visit famous Balos and Gramvousa island .Two amazing destinations with the most crystal clear waters our guests always enjoy.
Minos, Giannis, Panos and Freddy’s group picture.
The Way Back to Chania
At Kastelli port, Antonis, a member of our staff, waited for us with a truck. Antonis helped us unload the boat and gave us a ride back to Chania to our initial starting spot. At Chania, after this amazing day, we bid Freddy farewell giving him a bag of salt and several other fish that he managed to catch by himself. We feel like we made a new friend and this is what we aim on our experience . At the end of the day Its not all about fishing . Its about the journey, the experiences and the relationships you make with people . Several people just stay in your heart, they never leave, especially after such a day at sea Freddy will be remembered.
This fishing/spearfishing trip reveals how locals live their everyday lives and gives you the chance to experience a one of a lifetime adventure. Our experienced and well trained Fishermen, Captains and crew will make you feel like a local. Relaxed and unwind.
Enjoy your trip!
If you want to live the dream in Crete and and make new friends, book your adventure only with SEAze The Day!